Saturday, July 21, 2018

Keep It Simple And Make a Ton Of Money

By now I am sure you have heard about the “KISS” principle (Keep It Short and Simple). 

The best approach in any business is to keep things simple.  If you focus on the simple things that have worked for others, you will make a killing in just about any market.

Here are some simple things you can do to be successful at you online business.

You need to capture the names and emails of your website visitors and email them continuously.  A good way to do this is using an autoresponder service.  The one I recommend is Sendlane.  The link is in the video description below.  Sendlane is very user friendly and highly favorited by many email marketers.

Here's a Youtube Video On Simple Steps To Making Money Online.  Watch Here.

Any person who knows anything about marketing online knows that the money is in the list.  I bet you’ve heard that a million times. That is because it works.

Yet, if you look around at many sites in different markets you’ll see that there are many people who still do not have an email signup form on their sites.

The second step is to learn about your target market.

Because you need to know what buttons to push when it comes to writing sales copy. It does not take much to get your prospects interest and attention. You don’t have to know the deepest psychological tricks to get visitors to buy.  In fact, if you are part of an affiliate program, the affiliate’s sales page will have some of the things that your target market is interested in and they will gear their ad copy towards the concerns and interests of the prospect.

The third step is to pump money back into your business.

That is a fundamental factor for success in any business. When you’re selling something on a website and you have measured conversion levels, those numbers will remain the same no matter if you have 100 visitors or 1,000 visitors a day.

Matt Dinca

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